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HoneyNaps, exhibit 'AI solutions' in the American Sleep Societies, only Korean company

Reported by Economist / Jun 01, 2023

[AASM(Associated Professional Sleep Societies)]

The medical conference "Sleep 2023," organized by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) and Associated Professional Sleep Societies, will be held in Indianapolis, USA from June 3rd to 7th, 2023 (local time).

This academic conference will feature over 100 sessions, 1000 research papers, and more than 140 global sleep specialty companies participating in the exhibition. The conference will cover the recent changes in the AASM scoring manual, the priority areas of AI in sleep medicine research, overcoming the clinical utilization of AI, the impact of environmental exposure on sleep in fetuses, infants, and adolescents, behavioral therapies for insomnia, and research findings on sleep health by occupation.

In addition, the key companies participating in "Sleep 2023" are global sleep specialty companies with headquarters in the United States and Europe. These companies are divided into categories such as pharmaceutical companies with sleep disorder treatments, medical devices for sleep disorder diagnosis and treatment, remote healthcare, and digital medical systems. They will exhibit the latest technologies and products, and seek opportunities to expand their presence in the US market.

Japanese company Nihon Kohden and Korean company HoneyNaps will participate from Asian countries. HoneyNaps is planning to present a paper on AI algorithms for diagnosing respiratory disorders during sleep. In addition, they will exhibit the following integrated systems: ▲ AI-based sleep disorder diagnosis software called "SOMNUM", ▲ Home sleep monitoring system called "SOMNUM Scanning", and ▲ Second-generation digital therapeutic (DTx) for insomnia called "SOMNUM Medella".


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